Axis Gallery is pleased to have Lucía Sanromán, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Director of Visual Arts, as juror for the 13th National Juried Exhibition.

Lucía Sanromán joined Yerba Buena Center for the Arts as Director of Visual Arts in October 2015. Over the course of her career, she has curated groundbreaking exhibitions throughout the United States, Mexico, and Latin America. Recent projects at YBCA include, among others, Tania Bruguera: Talking to Power / Hablándole al Poder (2017) (co-curated with Susie Kantor, curatorial associate at YBCA), and the upcoming Futurefarmers: Out of Place, in Place opening on April 20, 2018.

13th National Juried Exhibition Artists

Lynn Beldner
Dwight Benignus
Mariet Braakman
Kyle Chaput
Thomas Coffey
Christopher Daniggelis,
Steve Donegan
Donna Fenstermaker
Bryan Florentin
David Gardner
Anne Garvey
Jonathan Gibson
Bill Goidell
Dariusz Gorski and Mira Boczniowicz
Cangshu Gran
Nichole Gronvold Roller
Guillermo Gutierrez
Sharon Harper
Peter Hassen
Sonja Hinrichsen
Zhongwen Hu
Cary Hulbert
Perry Johnson
Sarah Kamiya

Aleksandra Krasutskaya
Ryan Lewis
Susi Lopera,
Benjamin Madeska
Renluka Maharaj
Miguel Monroy Melgoza,
Pamela Mooney
Sara Partch Smith
Kevin Pride
Doug Russell
Viviana Santamarina
Jenna Sarabia
Simone Schiffmacher
Farnaz Shadravan
Paul Taylor
Lauren Toomer
Amy Vidra
Ingrid Wells
Dongyi Wu
Jenny Wu
Livien Yin
Elizabeth Zunino